Rock Purpose Cards and”Scribble Stones” Book Review

Book Review

by Ashley Beecher

Cover of the book.

Scribble Stones by Diane Alber is an adorable book about a rock that just wants to make everyone’s life a little bit happier. He waits and waits to be picked and find his purpose, but then he gets used as a paperweight, a boring job by his standards.

Illustration of a pile of rocks.

Along come some scribbles and they use up all the paper on the table. He sees a chance to bring a little joy and offers to let them draw on him. Beyond that, the colorful rock makes others smile too, and in that he fulfills his dreams of bringing joy.

This sweet story encourages kids to open their eyes to the world around them. If they’re looking, they might spot an opportunity to brighten another person’s life. It highlights the value of joy in our lives and sharing that with others.

Illustration of a rock as a paperweight.

To buy this book on Amazon, click here.



Rock painted as the cool emoji.

Just to be clear, my mom invited my children (and others) to paint her rocks before she found this book; she bought the book for them because that was an activity they did together. However, at the back of the book the author invites readers to paint on a rock and give it to another person, encouraging collaborative creativity. For our activity, we’re going to paint a rock and write down its purpose on a special card. Your child can choose if they want to take the author’s challenge on their own.


Instructions Printable (see below), Rock Purpose Card Printable (see below), rocks (either grab some from your own yard or buy an inexpensive bag from a craft store), paint (I don’t recommend using washable paint if you plan to put them outside), paintbrushes, a cup of water to clean the brushes, a tablecloth or tarp for painting area, an old shirt or child’s smock to avoid getting paint on clothes (optional).

Please don’t take rocks from public places or another person’s house. Those rocks belong to somebody else.

  1. Clean your rocks (if you bought them, you can probably skip this step). Once they’re dry you can get started. Rock painted blue.
  2. Spread out a tarp or tablecloth and set out your paints. Put your child in their smock (or an old shirt, we use some of my husband’s old t-shirts).
  3. Paint the rocks! You can paint the whole thing or just paint a single design. Get creative. Optional: Paint the YarnSpinningMama logo (check the corner of your Instructions Printable) on one of your rocks!
  4. Let the rocks dry, then display them (my mom puts hers outside in her landscaping rocks or uses them as door stops inside).
  5. On your Rock Purpose Card, draw a picture of your rock, write the rock’s location (like the backyard or an office), and write your rock’s purpose.Complete Rock Purpose Card

Author: Ashley Beecher

Ashley is a mom, writer, reader, and board game enthusiast. She loves sharing her interests with her husband and two children, as well as encouraging them to pursue their own hobbies. She hopes to teach her kids to chase their dreams and do what they love (but in a realistic, quantifiable kind of way).

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