Dashboard Activity and “Alphabet Trucks” Book Review

Book Review

by Haley Bono

Book cover picture here. Add the link to the src and replace this text with a description.

You can never have too many alphabet books, and I’m determined to prove this statement true. Well, okay, maybe I have a few too many, but I just had to add another one. Alphabet Trucks by Samantha R. Vamos has been an excellent addition, considering I have a two-year-old obsessed with trucks and the alphabet.

Second image

This book cleverly attaches a truck to every letter of the alphabet. You’ll read about box trucks, ice cream trucks, dump trucks to news trucks. But I won’t ruin all the surprises. You'll have to read this book yourself if you want to know what trucks the author used for X, Y, Z, but they’re pretty brilliant. The illustrations by Ryan O’Rourke are adorable, and the pages even rhyme, adding to the fun.

This book might not be as common as others but please check your local bookstore first. If you are having trouble finding this book, you can click here. to purchase this book from Amazon.



Completed activity

Every kid loves to pretend-drive, or at least mine do. Here’s an activity where they can make their own dashboard with steering wheel, and drive anywhere their imagination can take them.


Free two-page Template (free link at the end of this post), something to color with, scissors, brass paper fastener. Optional: Blank paper.

  1. Color both pictures.Picture of activity steps.
  2. Cut where directed around the steering wheel and key. Cut along the dotted line on the dashboard page. This is where you can insert the key to “start” the car.
  3. Poke the brass paper fastener through the center of the steering wheel and then through the dot on the dashboard page. Bend the prongs back on the fastener so that they lay flat. The steering wheel should be able to turn now.
  4. Insert the key where you cut along the dotted lines, and now your little one is ready to drive. I recommend making lots of car driving and breaking noises as you drive around the house.
Different Variations:
  • Go on a drive with your little one and ask them what vehicles they see out the window. What letter do those vehicles start with? Go back to the activity and encourage them to draw the vehicles they saw while going on a drive.
  • For older kids: Make a drivers license. Show them your driver’s license: your name, your address, and birthday. Draw a rectangle on a blank piece of paper, and help them make their own drivers license. Have them write their name, address, and birthday on it, and then cut it out.

Author: Haley Bono

Haley is a mom of two who loves reading and writing. She spends most of her time brainwashing her kids into loving books as much as she does. She does this by reading to them daily from her personal library that never seems to have enough room for the number of books she buys. When she isn't tormenting her family with literature, she enjoyes the outdoors and cooking weird food.

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