Herbivore vs. Carnivore Activity and A Turkey For Thanksgiving Book Review

Book Review

by Kathy Porter

If you are an animal lover or you only eat plant foods for Thanksgiving, you will love this story called, A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. You can find it in the picture book section of your local library under the letter B.

Book cover picture here. Add the link to the src and replace this text with a description.

Every year a moose and his wife invite other animals in their forest to a Thanksgiving dinner. This year, Mrs. Moose wants a turkey for Thanksgiving. I like how Diane De Groat illustrates the humorous efforts of the turkey trying to hide. Eager to please his wife, Mr. Moose hunts down the turkey, and takes the quivering bird to his house, followed by his other guests. Mrs. Moose is delighted and offers the turkey a chair as one of the guests.

Second image

Her table is set with leaves, and other plant foods, all eaten by the guests at the thanksgiving dinner. Not only is this a cute representation of a thanksgiving feast, but it is also a great opportunity to teach little one's about different types of animal diets. See the explanation of the difference between herbivores and carnivores in the Activity section, below.

To buy this book on Amazon, click here.



Completed activity

Objective: I can choose pictures of food for herbivores.


Activity Sheet, Crayons or Markers, Pencil

  1. Discuss with your child about herbivores and carnivores. Herbivores are animals that only eat plants. Carnivores are animals that only eat meat. Picture of activity steps.
  2. Which pictures are plants and which ones are meat? Only color the pictures that would be eaten by herbivores. Another picture of steps
Different Variations:
  • Write the letter C in the corner squares of the pictures of meat that carnivores would eat. Write the letter H is the cormer squares of the pictures of plants that herbivores would eat.
  • Discuss the fact that people are omnivores. We can choose to eat plants or meat. Ask your child what kinds of plants and/or meat they like to eat.

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