Love Notes Activity and “I Love You the Purplest” Book Review

Book Review

by Ashley Beecher

Picture of a book showing two boys rowing a boat

One of my favorite books as a child was I Love You the Purplest, written by Barbara M. Joosse and illustrated by Mary Whyte. It’s a sweet story about a mother’s love and sibling rivalry with vivid imagery and beautiful pictures. I owned a hardcover copy as a child, but bought the abridged board book version for my own children (they’re a lot rougher on books than I was).

The mother in the story takes her boys fishing. Through every step the boys compete with each other and ask their mother who is the best. As one of four children, I could relate to the characters’ desire to stand out and achieve. As a mother, I see my own children’s excitement to win or be the best.

Picture of a book showing two boys rowing a boat

There’s a lot to be said for this book. The vivid pictures and sense of competition draw kids in, but it also encourages kids to look around them. The mother points out strengths that each boy has as they fish together and compares each of them to a color. This showcases the beauty in the world and the beauty and uniqueness of each child she loves. Each of us can learn to find beauty in the world and truly see the people we love.

To buy this book on Amazon, click here.



Papers with blue and red pictures attached

Show some love to the people you care about by making and giving them a card. Try to personalize each one to appreciate something special or unique about that person. As you and your child do the activity, consider the people your child cares about and ask them questions. For example: What’s your favorite color? Who do you love the (insert favorite color)est? Do you love (relative’s name)? What color do you love (relative’s name)?


Love Notes Printout and Instructions Printout (Click the buttons below to download), blank paper, crayons or other coloring utensils, glue or tape, if mailing: envelopes, stamps.

  1. Color three of the pictures blue and three of the pictures red (use the book to help you or just choose whichever three you like) and cut them out.
  2. Choose a person you love the bluest. Glue or tape the three blue pictures to a blank page and give that page to the person you chose. (You can do this in person, mail the picture, or send an email or text with a picture of the note. Parents may want to help write the child’s name and a short message.)
  3. Choose a person you love the reddest. Glue or tape the three red pictures to a blank page and give that page to the person you chose.
Different Variations:
Six cards with different colored pictures

For Older Children:

  1. Color each of the pictures a different color (or draw your own pictures) and cut them out. For each color you use, pick a person that color reminds you of and try to think of something special about each of them.
  2. Take a blank piece of paper and cut it in half to make two cards. Fold each card in half. Repeat this with two more pieces of paper so you have six cards.
  3. Glue or tape your colored pictures onto the cards (inside or outside) and write a special note to each person. Give each card to the person you chose. (You can do this in person, mail the picture, or send an email or text with a picture of the note.)

Author: Ashley Beecher

Ashley is a mom, writer, reader, and board game enthusiast. She loves sharing her interests with her husband and two children, as well as encouraging them to pursue their own hobbies. She hopes to teach her kids to chase their dreams and do what they love (but in a realistic, quantifiable kind of way).

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